Chapter Support Initiatives

The Executive of the IWG is pleased to republish details of two exciting new initiatives designed to support, encourage and develop chapters around the country.

The first is designed to help smaller chapters achieve some variety in their demonstration schedule by funding an outside demonstrator for one or two of their normal chapter meetings details can be found here.

The second initiative is even more exciting and innovative. It supports cross chapter co-operation by subsidizing events that are jointly organized by two or more chapters more details here.

These initiatives were agreed and approved before the current Covid-19 public health crisis and restrictions. The new executive committee however, wishes to remind chapters of these schemes so that chapter officers are fully aware of them, can have any questions answered, and can make plans to avail of them now that chapter meetings have resumed.

The details of each initiative are outlined in separate documents. We encourage chapters to consider participation in one or both of these schemes. If chapters have any questions or need clarification, please contact the Guild secretary at


Southeast & Dolmen Workshop


North-East Chapter BBQ